Nyob zoo cov neeg muas zaub:
Raws li tus ntsuj plig ntawm tsab ntawv ceeb toom ntawm General Office ntawm Lub Xeev Pawg Neeg Saib Xyuas thiab ua ke nrog qhov xwm txheej tiag tiag ntawm peb lub tuam txhab, 2024 Mid-Autumn Festival hnub so kev npaj muaj raws li hauv qab no: Lub Cuaj Hli 15, 2024 txog Lub Cuaj Hli 17, 2024 (3 hnub hauv tag nrho).
The holiday will not affect product consultation and ordering. If you have any questions about the product, we will serve you online 24 hours a day. For consultation, please contact: info@hgled.net or call directly: +86 136 5238 8582.
Shenzhen Heguang Teeb pom kev zoo Co., Ltd. yog lub tuam txhab high-tech uas tsim, tsim thiab muag LED underwater teeb, ciav teeb, underground teeb, phab ntsa washers thiab lwm yam toj roob hauv pes teeb pom kev zoo fixtures. Peb muaj 18 xyoo ntawm kev paub ntawm underwater teeb tsim, txais tos nug peb!
Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb
Post lub sij hawm: Sep-13-2024